Cars are a relatively small space but it’s astonishing how fast they can become messy. This is true for all drivers although some of us might be tidier than others. 

With that in mind, we decided to share a few tips that we collected by interviewing our own customers and the ideas they came up with were simple, some would say obvious, but effective!



Clean Your Car Weekly


“Clean your car weekly and avoid dirt, trash and mess to pile up. I like when my car smells good and I use car air freshener as a result of that. Additionally, i always recommend to avoid transporting fried food in the car. The smell will stay there for weeks. Find a container to use for food only and stuck it in the trunk!” Jason from Chicago.


We totally agree with you, Jason. Although many of us would want to eat that fried food on our way home!


Buy Organizers for Your Car Compartments


“I am definitively OCD and cannot stand a messy car. I bought organizers for my center console, my trunk and my gloves compartment. I now know where everything belongs! Trash is not an issue, i have a trash can that is specifically designed for cars!” says Danielle from Jersey City.

Her ideas are certainly convenient, affordable and effective. It seems that when everything has a place the chances of clustering a space are certainly lower.


Invest in Seat Covers for Your Pets


“I love my pets but at the same time i don’t want my car to be dirty all the time. I bought a seat cover that covers both back seats and I never had to deal with dirt and scratches ever again”. 


Jordan from Naples certainly has a point here. Untrimmed nails and dirt are unavoidable dangers when transporting a dog. Investing in seat covers is a good idea if you don’t want to incur expensive repairs. Using a leash that connects to your seatbelt is also a good idea to keep your pets save in case of an accident.


Use the Space Below the Seats


“You actually got a ton of space under your seats and almost nobody uses it. This is a great space to store snacks, emergency kits and anything else you might need. I just would not store anything valuable there just in case!”


Maria from Cleveland definitively is an organizer. She made sure to use every inch available without creation any additional cluster in her vehicle.


And Finally, Be Smart With Your Trunk


“I have an organizer hanging from my back seat in the trunk. The organizer is perfect to carry anything my babies might need during a drive from extra diapers to wipes. This has come in extremely helpful since it is easy to reach but doen’t look ugly to the eye.”


Thalia from Seattle is certainly planning for any little accident her babies might have. Her suggestion is extremely creative and simple to implement!